That's not how businesses work
I was a little put-off in my one-on-one with John today. I knew he'd take issue with my 3-week vacation. But I also knew I wouldn't apologize for it. We had a good conversation, he remained pleasant, and things went better than I could have hoped for. But it also felt like we were drawing lines when it came to discussing my career path. I don't intend to stay with Hangar for more than a year. We're both clear on that. And as such, he wasn't overly flowery in his discussion of where I could go in this role. It's temporary. But back to vacation. He called me out because "we just don't do that in this world". Which is fair, and true. But that was a more defining moment that I think I even recognize now. I don't really want to be in this world long term. I want the flexibility to see my family when I want to see them. I don't want to be in a dim office from 9-5 every day. I was to take more control over the projects I choose to work on. I kn...